Even if your business is mainly office based, there are still health and safety regulations which apply to you.
Comprehensive accident / incident investigation service including advice on RIDDOR reporting.
Incidents and accidents sometimes happen in the workplace. Some of these require reporting to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and most require investigation to prevent recurrence.
Safety Concepts offers a comprehensive accident / incident investigation service which will help you get to the root cause of the accident and enable you to plan to prevent recurrence.
We can also advise on whether any accident or incident at your workplace is reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), and help you in reporting it.
An accident investigation is not designed to apportion blame. By definition, an accident is an unintended event – blaming an individual does not help anyone, and usually there is not one single reason for the occurrence.
An accident investigation will help you to identify why any existing control measures failed and what you can do to rectify that. You will be able to plan properly to ensure there is no recurrence. It may show you areas where your risk assessment needs review and will improve your control of risks in the future.
The HSE defines accidents and incidents as follows:
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Even if your business is mainly office based, there are still health and safety regulations which apply to you.