
We can provide assessment of stress among employees at your workplace, management training, formulation of procedures and policies, and personal coaching.

Stress Management

Stress at work is the latest big issue to hit workplace health and safety management. Failure to address stress adequately may cost a company thousands of pounds in unfair dismissal cases.

We provide a range of stress management services to assess where stress may arise, to train management how to recognise and prevent it, and, where individuals are absent from work with stress-related illness, we can provide personal coaching and effective planning to management to bring them back to their successful best. 

Why stress management is important?

In our experience, stress management has many advantages for employers in terms of personnel relations, one-to-one management, and the reduction of absenteeism. We have also observed positive effects in production processes and output at busy or seasonal workload conditions from the introduction of stress management regimes.

A significant proportion of the population suffers from some form of stress at some time in their lives, much of which is associated with domestic and personal situations which can often impact on their performance at their place of work and on others around them. For the employer the duty is to ensure that additional stress is not added to the equation by foreseeable conditions which may go unnoticed or unattended in the work routines and environment of the employees. 

 Stress can create an injury or illness to employees and senior management in pursuit of company business.

What are Stress Management standards?

Stress management guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) comes in the form of the Management Standards which describe principles that the employer should adopt to comply with basic minimum stress management measures. The need to address this issue arises from the fact that stress is a workplace hazard like a trip, slip or fall hazard, in that it can create an injury or illness to employees and senior management in pursuit of company business. 

How can employers control stress?

Recent cases concerning stress management in employment tribunals have defined the way in which employers can successfully introduce adequate stress management control factors to avoid repetitions. 

Examples of these factors are the implementation of staff stress assessments, the provision of training for key team members of staff, health and safety procedures to analyse conditions that may contribute to stress issues, the provision of help-lines, and, where appropriate the use of counselling services.

Our stress management services 

  • Assessment where stress may arise, to train management how to recognise and prevent it.
  • Training in Stress Awareness and Health and Safety Management Awareness
  • Help to formulate procedures and policies to ensure that stress is well managed in a mutually beneficial manner for the company and employees, and where individuals are absent from work with stress-related illness, we can provide personal coaching and effective planning to management to bring them back to their successful best. 


  1. 1
    What is stress?

    The HSE’s formal definition of work-related stress is: “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them at work”.

  2. 2
    Why should I carry out a stress risk assessment?

    The HSE’s Management Standards identify six areas of the workplace which may be associated with poor health and well-being if not managed adequately. A stress risk assessment can look at all of these areas in turn and determine what, if anything, you need to do to ensure that your employees do not suffer from stress now or in the future. Management of issues before they arise will save you time and money in the long run by preventing absences through employee stress.

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Health & Safety Training

  • Accredited & approved training centre in West Sussex
  • Nationally recognised certificates 
  • Training at your workplace available
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