
Fire risk assessment, drill management, fire warden training, firefighting equipment training and fire plans for all types of commercial premises.

Fire risk assessment

Fire risk assessment is part of fire safety measures under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 that applies to all organisations in Great Britain. Compliance ensures that risk of fire in the workplace is controlled, and that adequate and appropriate fire safety measures are in place to minimise the risk of injury or loss of life should fire occur. We offer economical and practical advice to help you achieve suitable fire precautions to suit your company activities and staff training needs.

Conducting fire risk assessment at your place of work

Legislation says that if you employ more than five people you need to provide a written fire assessment which should be reviewed on an annual basis. Our view is that if you employ five or fewer staff and they are all office based it is likely that you will be able to carry out a fire risk assessment yourself. However, if you employ more than five people or if your offices are multi-floored or deal with fire risk assessment hazards such as flammables, electricity, chemicals or other more complicated work than computer operations then we can support you with expert advice and proven competence.

 Most businesses do not survive a fire. Approximately 70 % of businesses that suffer a serious fire are unable to recommence trading.

Our fire risk assessment services

  • Competent assessment
  • CIEH Level 2 Fire Warden training
  • Documented fire procedures and policies
  • Staff fire training
  • Fire risk assessment requirements such as means of detection, alarm system advice, escape routes, and firefighting equipment
  • Training to suit your assessment needs
  • We can also advise on other measures such as for young people or advise on disability management procedures

From our experience as general safety practitioners, we can ensure that any preventative measures are tailored to your own management systems. This will ensure that fire risk assessment and management is given appropriate priority within your business and safety planning.

Our expert fire assessors are able to carry out fire assessments at any premises, for example residential managed blocks, industrial plants, and office units.


  1. 1
    Why should I carry out a fire assessment?

    Aside from a fire risk assessment being a legal requirement, it will help you identify all the fire hazards and risks in your workplace and enable you to take appropriate precautions to control those risks. A fire risk assessment will examine not only the possible causes of fire but will look at the precautions and evacuation procedures you already have in place. 

  2. 2
    How often do we need to carry out a fire drill?

    The outcome of your risk assessment will enable you to determine how often fire drills should be carried out. This may depend on employee turnover, change in working processes or how high your risk of fire is. In any event you should carry out a drill at least annually.

  3. 3
    How often should we check our fire arrangements?

    Your fire risk assessment should be checked annually as a minimum. However, if your workplace undergoes changes in staff, premises, working practices, you may need to review it more frequently.

  4. 4
    Who can do a fire assessment?

    Your risk assessment should be carried out by a competent person – that is, someone who is experienced and qualified to do so.

  • Get 24 hour support

  • Get a dedicated consultant

  • Receive post-implementation support


Health & Safety Training

  • Accredited & approved training centre in West Sussex
  • Nationally recognised certificates 
  • Training at your workplace available
Book your training now